Commands beginning with R
icon RE regenerate view

icon RECAL draw aligned rectangle

icon REGPL transform region into polyline

icon RFA quick xref attach

icon RFC close xref editing

icon RFD detach external reference (xref)

icon RFE open external reference's (xref) editing panel

icon RFFIND find external reference's relative path

icon RFO open external reference (xref)

icon RFR reload external references (xrefs)

icon RM create APLUS room

icon RMAU insert block with automatically updated area of selected polyline

icon RMF set floor name/numbe

icon RML room list from selected area

icon RMLS list of selected rooms

icon RMMF copy floor name

icon RMMR copy names of rooms

icon RMN set room numbe

icon RMP APLUS rooms settings

icon RMPLUS measure area of few rooms

icon RMR measure area of multiple rooms

icon RMRES ustawia wielkość bloku pomieszczenia na obecnie ustawioną

icon RMS sum measured areas of selected rooms

icon RMSC batch change of APLUS room blocks size

icon RMT create APLUS room block from text

icon RMU update area

icon RMUA create room with automatic room's area

icon RO-45 rotate by -45 degrees

icon RO-90 rotate by -90 degrees

icon RO180 rotate by 180 degrees

icon RO270 rotate by 270 degrees

icon RO45 rotate by 45 degrees

icon RO90 rotate by 90 degrees

icon ROC rotate and copy

icon ROO multiple rotate by specified angle

icon ROR rotate by reference angle

icon RORC rotate by reference angle and copy

icon ROWA rotate walls

icon ROX 3D rotate around X-axis

icon ROY 3D rotate around Y-axis