Commands beginning with M
- - decrease crosshair's size
<< - go to MODEL
MALEN - match length of lines
MAN - move on a specified angle
MBLL - move by layer.
MCLL - move to current laye
MCON - draw multiple connection lines between two selected ones
MDI - move dimension text
MENUAPLUSR - reload APLUS menus
MF - multiple fillet
MI-45 - mirror about -45 degrees line
MI-45C - mirror about -45 degrees line and copy
MI45 - mirror about 45 degrees line
MI45C - mirror about 45 degrees line and copy
MIH - mirror horizontally
MIHC - mirror horizontally and copy
MIL - mirror about bisection line
MILC - mirror about bisection line and copy
MIV - mirror vericaly
MIVC - mirror vericaly and copy
MLL - move to specified layer.
MLL0 - move to layer 0
MLRAY - draw multiline rays
MLX - draw and explode multiline
MPL - move selected polyline’s segment
MR - move and repeat
MRO - move and rotate
MSECTION - draw section of 3D mesh
MTE - MTEXT editor
MTX - explode MTEXT
MWA - move walls
MX - move only in X-axis
MXY - move selection just in X/Y axis
MY - move only in Y-axis
MZ - move only in Z-axis