Commands beginning with A
A0 - draw ISO A0 paper format in modelspace
A1 - draw ISO A1 paper format in modelspace
A2 - draw ISO A2 paper format in modelspace
A3 - draw ISO A3 paper format in modelspace
A4 - draw ISO A4 paper format in modelspace
A5 - draw ISO A5 paper format in modelspace
A6 - draw ISO A6 paper format in modelspace
AAS - quick rectangle area measurement
AFIELD - insert APLUS text field
AFIELDU - update APLUS field
AFLAT - flatten objects
AINF - display APLUS informations
AINFO - display advanced AutoCAD informations
AL2 - improved ALIGN
ALC - align to line
ALGRID - align objects to specified grid
ALH - align vertically
ALO - align object to a line
ALPL - align polyline segment to a line
ALT - align text to a line
ALV - align horizontally
AN - advanced angle measurement
APLUSDE - change APLUS language to German
APLUSEN - change APLUS language to English
APLUSERROR - report error.
APLUSES - change APLUS language to Spanish
APLUSFR - change APLUS language to French
APLUSH - display APLUS help
APLUSIT - change APLUS language to Italian
APLUSNEWCOMMAND - suggest new commands
APLUSP - print APLUS commands
APLUSPL - change APLUS language to Polish
APLUSPT - change APLUS language to Portuguese
APLUSREGISTER - register your copy of APLUS
APLUST - display APLUS toolbar.
APLUSUS - change APLUS language to English (US)
ARCHDWG - clean DWG imported from ARCHIcad
ARCL - transform arc into polyline
ARE - quick area measurement
ARE+ - add area measurement value to existing one
AREP - area measurement properties
AREU - update areas
AREUA - create area block with automatic updating value
ARR - align position of multiple objects
ARRL - align lines
ASECTION - draw solids section
ASLIDE - create Autodesk Slide from current view
ATT0 - change angle of attributes to 0
ATTC - attributes counter.
ATTCASE - change case of selected attributes
ATTHIDE - hide attributes set to hidden
ATTL - attributes list from selected blocks
ATTM - move attribute
ATTMA - match content of attributes
ATTNORM - normalize angle of attribute
ATTP - add prefix to an attribute
ATTRO - rotate attribute
ATTS - add suffix to an attribute
ATTSHOW - show hidden attributes
AUCM - change APLUS units to centimetres
AUD - draw audience
AUINCH - change APLUS units to inches
AUM - change APLUS units to metres
AUMM - change APLUS units to millimetres
AX - change linetype to axis line
AX1 - automatic axis bulbs (numerical)
AXA - automatic axis bulbs (alphabetical)
AXL - axis between lines
AXO - simulate axonometric projection
AXP - axes descriptions settings
AXPL - axis between polylines