Commands beginning with P
+ - increase crosshair's size
PANC - pan point to viewport's centre
PAND - pan down
PANL - pan left
PANP - set pan properties
PANR - pan right
PANU - pan up
PATTERN - pattern generator.
PEN - freehand drawing
PGPEDIT - acad.pgp editor
PILARS - draw pillars on a grid
PINFO - layout plot information
PL2 - draw double polyline
PLARC - transform polyline into an arc
PLAV - add vertex to polyline
PLBO - draw boundary of polyline with set width
PLC - close polyline
PLCO - continue drawing polyline
PLD - divide polyline's area
PLDEC - decurve polyline
PLEV - erase vertex from polyline
PLI - polylines intersection
PLM - move selected polyline segments and lines
PLML - transform polyline into multiline
PLO - open polyline
PLOTALL - plot all layouts
PLOTALLEPS - print all layouts to EPS
PLOTALLPDF - print all layouts to PDF
PLOTRANGE - print selected layouts
PLP - purge polyline
PLPERS - simulate perspective
PLPS - purge polyline from unnecessary vertexes
PLRO - rotate selected polyline segments and lines
PLROOF - simulate roof from polyline
PLS - subtract from polyline
PLSC - scale selected polyline segments and lines
PLSHADOW - simulate polyline's shadow
PLSTART - highlight polyline start point
PLT - trim polyline`s area
PLU - union polylines
PLUNWARP - unwrap polyline
PLW - change width of polyline
PLWS - change width of polyline's segment
POLPL - transform polyline into LWPOLYLINE
POSX - match position in x-axis
POSY - match position in y-axis
POSZ - match position in z-axis
PROJECTPO - draw projection of a point to a line
PROP - proportion between distances
PURGEALL - purge everyting
PURGESCALES - purge scales in drawing