Commands beginning with L
< - go to previous layout
> - go to next layout
>> - go to last layout
LARC - transform line into arc
LAY - change active layout
LAYATTE - edit attribute in all layouts
LAYC - copy current layout
LAYCEN - center views in all layouts
LAYD - delete current layout
LAYDA - delete all layouts
LAYDL - delete selected layouts
LAYDS - display plot style in all layouts
LAYEXPORT - export layout
LAYHS - hide plot styles in all layouts
LAYIMPORT - import layout
LAYINFO - info about layouts
LAYL - move layout left
LAYMANAGER - layouts manager
LAYMANAGER1 - layouts manager (text mode)
LAYNAMEE - edit layouts names
LAYNAMENR - put numbers in layout names
LAYPLOTTER - change plotter for all layouts
LAYR - move layout right
LAYSTYLE - change plot style for current layout
LCCO - copy wall lines
LCE - erase wall lines
LCJ - join wall lines
LCM - move wall lines
LCMA - match properties of wall lines
LCO - offset external walls (add layer)
LDIV - draw divide line
LEGEND - create legend of drawings layers
LEND - length dynamically
LIB - block parameters list
LINKT - link texts
LIO - object's parameter list
LION - list of nested objects
LIP - compare lisp properties
LIPN - compare lisp properties of a nested objects
LISPFORUM - search phrase in Autodesk LISP discussion board
LISTXY - list x and y coordinates of selected vertexes
LISTXYZ - list x, y and z coordinates of selected vertexes
LL - specify current layer.
LLC - set layers color.
LLCA - assign random colors to layers
LLD - delete specified layer.
LLF - freezing selected layers
LLFL - freeze selected layer in current layout
LLFN - freezing layers of objects nested in blocks/xrefs
LLFP - freeze layers with specified prefix
LLFRF - freeze xref in current viewport
LLFS - freeze layers with specified suffix
LLFV - freeze in current layout
LLFVA - freeze selected layer in all viewports
LLFW - freeze layers with specified words
LLI - isolate selected layers
LLIC - isolate layers of specified layer default color
LLIN - isolate layers of nested objects in blocks/xrefs
LLINR - isolate layers containing specified number of objects
LLIP - Command isolates all layers with specified prefix.
LLIRF - isolate xref layers
LLIS - isolate layers with specified suffix
LLIV - isolate layer in current viewport
LLIW - isolate layers with specified words
LLL - lock selected layers
LLLA - lock all layers
LLLIST - layers list
LLM - merge layers
LLMAS - match plot styles
LLMASN - match plot styles of nested objects
LLN - inverse layers visibility
LLNP - turn off plotting for selected layers
LLO - turning off selected layers
LLOC - turn off layers of specified layer default color
LLOFN - turning off layers of objects nested in blocks/xrefs
LLON - turn on selected layers
LLONA - turn on all layers
LLONC - turn on current layer.
LLONP - turn on layers with specified prefix
LLONRF - turn on refference layers
LLONS - turn on layers with specified suffix
LLONT - turn on and unfreeze selected layers
LLONW - turn on layers with specified words
LLOP - turn off layers with specified prefix
LLORF - turn off all xref layers
LLOS - turn off layers with specified suffix
LLOW - turn off layers with specified words
LLP - turn on plotting for selected layers
LLPS - change layer's plot style
LLR - change layers name
LLRF - isolate one refference drawing
LLRP - add prefix to layers name
LLRS - add suffix to layers name
LLSL - load state of layers
LLSS - save state of layers
LLT - unfreeze selected layers
LLTA - unfreeze all layers
LLTP - thaw layers with specified prefix
LLTRF - thaw layers in reference file
LLTS - thaw layers with specified suffix
LLTW - thaw layers with specified words
LLU - unlock selected layers
LLUA - unlock all layers
LLVMA - match visibility of layers in viewports
LLW - layer walk
LLWE - change layer's lineweight
LLWO - set visibility while layer walk (hide)
LLWS - set visibility while layer walk (show)
LLWT - change layers walks direction
LP - restore previous layer state
LRAY - draw rays