Commands beginning with R
RE - regenerate view
RECAL - draw aligned rectangle
REGPL - transform region into polyline
REPLACET - replace texts
RFA - quick xref attach
RFAR - reattach xref
RFB - bind selected xrefs to the current drawing
RFC - close xref editing
RFD - detach external reference (xref)
RFE - open external reference's (xref) editing panel
RFFIND - find external reference's relative path
RFLL - move all xrefs to a specified layer
RFO - open external reference (xref)
RFR - reload external references (xrefs)
RFRA - reload all xrefs
RFU - unload external refference file
RM - create APLUS room
RM+ - measure area of few rooms
RMAU - insert block with automatically updated area of selected polyline
RMF - set floor name/numbe
RML - room list from selected area
RMLINK - link attribute values in APLUS room blocks
RMLS - list of selected rooms
RMMF - copy floor name
RMMR - copy names of rooms
RMN - set room numbe
RMP - APLUS rooms settings
RMR - measure area of multiple rooms
RMRES - ustawia wielkość bloku pomieszczenia na obecnie ustawioną
RMS - sum measured areas of selected rooms
RMSC - batch change of APLUS room blocks size
RMT - create APLUS room block from text
RMU - update area
RMUA - create room with automatic room's area
RO-45 - rotate by -45 degrees
RO-90 - rotate by -90 degrees
RO180 - rotate by 180 degrees
RO270 - rotate by 270 degrees
RO45 - rotate by 45 degrees
RO90 - rotate by 90 degrees
ROC - rotate and copy
ROO - multiple rotate by specified angle
ROPL - rotate selected polyline segment
ROR - rotate by reference angle
RORC - rotate by reference angle and copy
ROWA - rotate walls
ROX - 3D rotate around X-axis
ROY - 3D rotate around Y-axis