Commands beginning with V
- VL - load saved viewport
- VLL - load last saved viewport
- VP1 - make viewport (quick)
- VPL - lock viewport
- VPLA - lock all viewports
- VPP - draw viewport borders from layouts in modelspace.
- VPU - unlock viewport
- VPUA - unlock all viewports
- VS - save viewport
- VVA - set the view point to southwest isometric
- VVAA - set the view point to southeast isometric.
- VVAAA - set the view point to northeast isometric.
- VVAAAA - set the view point to northwest isometric.
- VVAL - align viewport to a line
- VVB - set the view point to back
- VVD - set the view point to down
- VVF - set the view point to front
- VVL - set the view point to left
- VVO - set new UCS origin aligned to object
- VVR - set the view point to right
- VVT - set the view point to top