| | LARC | | transform line into arc |
| | LAY | | change active layout |
| | LAYC | | copy current layout |
| | LAYD | | delete current layout |
| | LAYDS | | display plot style in all layouts |
| | LAYHS | | hide plot styles in all layouts |
| | LAYL | | move layout left |
| | LAYR | | move layout right |
| | LAYSTYLE | | change plot style for current layout |
| | LCCO | | copy wall lines |
| | LCE | | erase wall lines |
| | LCJ | | join wall lines |
| | LCM | | move wall lines |
| | LCMA | | match properties of wall lines |
| | LCO | | offset external walls (add layer) |
| | LDIV | | draw divide line |
| | LEGEND | | create legend of drawings layers |
| | LEND | | length dynamically |
| | LIB | | block parameters list |
| | LIO | | object's parameter list |
| | LION | | list of nested objects |
| | LL | | specify current layer. |
| | LLC | | set layers color. |
| | LLCA | | assign random colors to layers |
| | LLD | | delete specified layer. |
| | LLF | | freezing selected layers |
| | LLFN | | freezing layers of objects nested in blocks/xrefs |
| | LLFP | | freeze layers with specified prefix |
| | LLFS | | freeze layers with specified suffix |
| | LLFV | | freeze in current layout |
| | LLFV | | freeze in current layout |
| | LLFW | | freeze layers with specified words |
| | LLI | | isolate selected layers |
| | LLIN | | isolate layers of nested objects in blocks/xrefs |
| | LLINR | | isolate layers containing specified number of objects |
| | LLIP | | Command isolates all layers with specified prefix. |
| | LLIS | | isolate layers with specified suffix |
| | LLIW | | isolate layers with specified words |
| | LLL | | lock selected layers |
| | LLLA | | lock all layers |
| | LLM | | merge layers |
| | LLMASN | | match plot styles of nested objects |
| | LLN | | inverse layers visibility |
| | LLO | | turning off selected layers |
| | LLOFN | | turning off layers of objects nested in blocks/xrefs |
| | LLON | | turn on selected layers |
| | LLONC | | turn on current layer. |
| | LLONP | | turn on layers with specified prefix |
| | LLONS | | turn on layers with specified suffix |
| | LLONT | | turn on and unfreeze selected layers |
| | LLONW | | turn on layers with specified words |
| | LLOP | | turn off layers with specified prefix |
| | LLOS | | turn off layers with specified suffix |
| | LLOW | | turn off layers with specified words |
| | LLR | | change layers name |
| | LLRP | | add prefix to layers name |
| | LLRS | | add suffix to layers name |
| | LLSL | | load state of layers |
| | LLSS | | save state of layers |
| | LLT | | unfreeze selected layers |
| | LLTA | | unfreeze all layers |
| | LLU | | unlock selected layers |
| | LLUA | | unlock all layers |
| | LLVMA | | match visibility of layers in viewports |
| | LLWO | | set visibility while layer walk (hide) |
| | LLWS | | set visibility while layer walk (show) |
| | LLWT | | change layers walks direction |
| | LP | | restore previous layer state |