ZS - specify zoom scale
Z1 - zoom 1:1
Z2 - zoom 1:2
Z5 - zoom 1:5
Z10 - zoom 1:10
Z20 - zoom 1:20
Z25 - zoom 1:25
Z50 - zoom 1:50
Z100 - zoom 1:100
Z200 - zoom 1:200
Z250 - zoom 1:250
Z500 - zoom 1:500
Z1000 - zoom 1:1000
Z2000 - zoom 1:2000
Z2500 - zoom 1:2500
Z5000 - zoom 1:5000
ZI - zoom informations
ZP - restore previous zoom
ZW - zoom window
ZVS - save zoom and viewport
ZVL - load scale and viewport settings
VS - save viewport
VL - load saved viewport
VLL - load last saved viewport
VVT - set the view point to top
VVF - set the view point to front
VVL - set the view point to left
VVR - set the view point to right
VVB - set the view point to back
VVD - set the view point to down
VVA - set the view point to southwest isometric
VVAA - set the view point to southeast isometric.
VVO - set new UCS origin aligned to object
VVAL - align viewport to a line
PANL - pan left
PANR - pan right
PANU - pan up
PAND - pan down
PANC - pan point to viewport's centre
PANP - set pan properties