Commands beginning with M
icon MALEN match length of lines

icon MBLL move by layer.

icon MCLL move to current laye

icon MDI move dimension text

icon MF multiple fillet

icon MI-45 mirror about -45 degrees line

icon MI-45C mirror about -45 degrees line and copy

icon MI45 mirror about 45 degrees line

icon MI45C mirror about 45 degrees line and copy

icon MIH mirror horizontally

icon MIHC mirror horizontally and copy

icon MIL mirror about bisection line

icon MILC mirror about bisection line and copy

icon MINUS decrease crosshair's size

icon MIV mirror vericaly

icon MIVC mirror vericaly and copy

icon MLL move to specified layer.

icon MLL0 move to layer 0

icon MLRAY draw multiline rays

icon MWA move walls

icon MX move only in X-axis

icon MY move only in Y-axis

icon MZ move only in Z-axis